by Secretaria | Aug 2, 2023 | Esperanzas, Esperanzas, News, News
The RFM-Panama team continues with its work, dedication, and efforts to be messengers of peace and good in their country and defenders of the dignity of migrants who pass through the isthmus. In recent months, the monthly celebration of the migrant’s mass at the...
by Secretaria | May 15, 2023 | Esperanzas, Esperanzas, News, News, Voluntariado, Voluntariado
“The struggle is permanent. We will never live in a perfect world. But we will continue forward, step by step. Our hope lies not in the arrival, but in the journey. Triumph is not guaranteed. The only triump we can count on is to get up off the ground each time and...
by jpic | Mar 13, 2023 | Esperanzas, Esperanzas, News
Dear Pope Francis, whom the cardinals as your brothers went to seek “almost to the end of the world”: May the Lord give you peace! Ten years have passed since your election and your presentation in St Peter’s Square, that was so cold but crowded,...
by jpic | Feb 24, 2023 | Esperanzas, Esperanzas, News, Testimonies
I was humbled to be in the presence of courageous individuals who, seeing such great need and acting in faith without a clear idea of exactly what to do, responded with compassion to migrants in need, opening camps in Mexico or resettlement centers in the U.S. Their...
by jpic | Nov 14, 2022 | Encuentro, Esperanzas, News
The current humanitarian crisis on our southern border calls us to compassion and mercy as well as greater understanding. The Franciscan Network for Migrants–USA Team organized a three-day experience for a total of 28 people who witnessed firsthand the impact of...
by jpic | Oct 4, 2022 | Encuentro, Esperanzas, News, Uncategorized
El Comité de Incidencia de la Red Franciscana para Migrantes (RFM) llevó adelante su primer encuentro presencial del 30 de septiembre al 3 de octubre de 2022 en la Ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, con el fin de trazar líneas de acción para el periodo 2022-2025 y...