September 10, 2021
To the Mexican Authorities
To the National Human Rights Commission
To Franciscans International
To all people of good faith
We, the Franciscan Network on Migration (RFM), as well as various groups and civil organizations that defend the human rights of migrants, have monitored the detentions and deportations against people in Mcallen, Texas directed to the El Ceibo, Guatemala border, as well as also from different places in Mexico to Villahermosa and Tenosique, Tabasco, between August 13th and September 8th, 2021,
We are concerned about the various human rights violations carried out by the National Institute of Migration and the National Guard on the southern border of Mexico, such as persecution, massive detentions, threats, expulsion towards the southern border as well as the execution of all kinds of violence against migrants regardless of their immigration status, actions aimed not only at violating their rights, but also at criminalizing them.
The immigration policy of detention and expulsion taken by the Mexican government translates into actions that do not take into account the social context of the migrant population, therefore:
- We condemn the various forms of violence, aggression, mistreatment, family separation, detentions and deportations of migrant women and their families by the National Guard and the National Migration Institute.
- We demand that the Mexican State respect all the human rights enjoyed by migrants and asylum seekers established both by its Magna Carta and by the various international standards.
- We demand full respect for the human rights of defenders and journalists, who by their profession monitor and make visible the dramatic migratory situation.
- We call on the Mexican authorities at all three levels of government to seek effective responses that protect the human rights of migrants and asylum seekers, as well as the human rights defenders who work with them.