A total of 10 people including four members of the RFM coordinating team attended.
Seeing the need for technical assistance on proposal writing and the missed opportunities for funding migration work, the Franciscan Network for Migrants offered a workshop with the purpose of providing the local RFM teams with the information and tools necessary to apply for funding and administer grants.
During the workshop we covered: the different types of donors, donor motivations, the components of maintaining healthy relationships between donors and recipients, and how to design a boilerplate proposal that can be adapted to various types of requests. We used the Missionszentrale der Franziskaner (MZF) guidelines as a case study.
Thank you for your help and support to the church and people of God relief and funding.
Am a journalist of the Ugandan nationality, with me and some of my colleagues since the out break of covid 19 pandemic we lost a lot.
Weno longer have enough to s ustain us and our families.
As Catholic journalists of Uganda have an association and awere of the challenges the world is facing as the effect of covid 19 pandemic on the economy.
We have the skills in the media that we would like to request you to to give a hand as wedo coverage on the impact of covid 19 pandemic .
We can give landmark pictures and videos stories on what the Catholic church in Uganda is doing to the needy and the poor in communities. If supported.