With the expectation of improving accompaniment and care of migrants, the Franciscan Network on Migration has formed a partnership with the non-profit organization Talentos in Argentina.

During the last months, and thanks to the facilitation of Franciscan Mission Center (MZF) in Germany, a series of meetings have been held between representatives of the Talentos and the Franciscan Network on Migration, in order to learn what each organization does and find the best way to collaborate in a way that will enhance the work carried out in the shelters and and teams of the RFM.

Talentos was founded by Sr. Inés Braun, a member of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary (FMM). With a professional staffs and a group of volunteers, Talentos is dedicated to promoting a better quality of life for people and their communities by assisting and strengthening projects in Latin America. Currently its headquarters are located in Franciscan Convent on Alsina Street, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

As organizations that subscribe to Franciscan spirituality, we have come to recognize some common elements: an inspiration focused on gospel values ​​and the vision of Francis and Claire of Assisi and a mission focused on human rights, defense, support and accompaniment to vulnerable people.

In concrete terms, the collaboration will focus on efforts that support those who have experienced human rights violations, especially migrants, refugees and victims of trafficking. For this reason, we have identified common areas of collaboration: 

1. Sharing strategic information and updates that can influence and drive project development.

2. To jointly promote project design, proposal development through project execution, and the growth of the RFM in South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru and Bolivia)

3. Train all our members in grants management and human rights

4. Align the strategic planning of both organizations and identify possible mutual support.



Fr. Jaime Campos, OFM
Franciscan Network for Migrants