It is with great joy that we welcome Vianey Martínez López. We are glad that she has joined the Franciscan Network for Migrants, as part of the Executive Secretariat, assuming coordination and liaison with the teams and shelters that belong to the Network.

Vianey, we are sure that you will have much to contribute in the work with migrants, in the exchange of knowledge, and in the establishment of new contacts for the RFM. We are very pleased and grateful for your incorporation and we want to give you a warm welcome. We are grateful that you join this franciscan space for humanitarian assistance and social and political advocacy. Congratulations on becoming part of the Executive Secretariat. We welcome you and look forward to a long and successful journey with you.

Lori Winther

Likewise, it is vital to extend our gratitude to Lori Winther for the service provided in the area assumed by Vianey. We thank Lori, who put her heart and all her skills in the early days of weaving this Network. During the time she was with us, she carried out her services responsibly; she joined our work team from her sensitivity to the migrant reality, and her knowledge provided was an essential axis in our growth. She demonstrated a high degree of skill, reliability, and great enthusiasm for working with us. We express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for the excellent work done along the way in the Franciscan Network for Migrants.

Ana V. López E.
Franciscan Network for Migrants