On February 18, our 2022 annual report was launched with the presentation by the members of the RFM, who gave voice to the report, discussing the work and service, developments during a year full of challenges, and great hopes to provide the accompaniment to our migrant sisters and brothers.

A commitment to human rights and the common good have always been our main focus. This report shows us that the restless spirit continues to move the steps of this Network, inspiring us to contribute to the common home and be an encouragement for the migrant person who passes through our lives with their resistance and struggle, to allow ourselves to be transformed by those who teach us that it is possible to carry a cross and in turn a face full of hope.

In the midst of daily chores we are summoned to weave this network that embodies one of the most genuine expressions of the Franciscan charism of fraternity, for that reason we are pleased to share with you our Annual Report for 2022. Thanks to the dedication of all who participate and support the Franciscan Network for Migrants.

We hope you enjoy reading about the work of Franciscan men and women who care for migrants and refugees in South America, Central America, Mexico and the United States.

Ana Victoria Lopez
