The Socio-Pastoral Observatory of Human Mobility of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (OSMECA) led the training experience entitled, “Knowledge of Migrant Pastoral Care (COPAMI): Knowledge management for the strengthening of pastoral practices with people in transit” financed by the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development.

On August 7-9 in San José, Costa Rica, the first meeting of secular and religious institutions that defend the human rights of migrants and refugees who transit through Central American and Caribbean territory was held. It consisted of sharing personal and collective experiences, the migratory reality by region, knowing the social doctrine of the Church, the use of free digital technologies, at the service of pastoral practices from the regional diocesan vision and, above all, creating synergy to generate actions that benefit all the people who welcome, promote, protect and integrate our brothers and sisters in forced mobility.


The facilitators of this training were Magaly Zúñiga, Juliana Morales and Raquel Morales. Fr. Gustavo Meneses, Dr. Abelardo Morales and Gerardo Cruz were invited speakers. A total of 30 people from Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile and Panama participated.

The Catholic Church has committed to working for those most in need, according to the words of the Gospel of our Lord, “I was hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Mt. 25, 35 -36).

We hope to see you in November at the second face-to-face meeting!

Wilber Lopez
Volunteer at La 72
Vianey Martinez
Executive Secretary