The CLAMOR Network celebrates this week, from February 15 to 17, its General Assembly , in which the presence of some 50 people from 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is expected, being announced, according to Elvy Monzant, executive secretary of the entity , the presence of Vatican representatives.

Project something that includes everyone

Each day of the Assembly, in which it is intended to reflect on the words of Pope Francis in Fratelli tutti, where he tells us that “theCulture of Encounter means that as peoples we are passionate about trying to meet, looking for points of contact, build bridges, project something that includes everyone”, has a motto that will mark the work of that day.

On Tuesday the 15th, “Voice of God, voice of the migrant” will mark the course of the work, which after a few words of welcome from the president of the CLAMOR Network, Msgr. Gustavo Rodríguez Vega, the verification of the quorum and a dynamic of integration, will have a moment of retreat, which should help the Assembly participants find in God the light that marks the path to follow in the work with migrants and refugees in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Father Fabio Baggio, secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Holy See, will present the paper “The migratory context and its challenges”.To this will be added a look at the reality of the Latin American and Caribbean continent, with the Assembly participants being invited to listen to life testimonies of migrants.From the presentation of the Scalabrinian religious and the voices of migrants, it will be the opportunity for the participants to make what they have heard resonate in groups.The first day will end with a presentation of the new CLAMOR Network Didactic Tool Box and the Eucharistic celebration.

“Identity, Vision, Mission and Structure of the CLAMOR Network”

The second day, with the motto “Our Being”, will begin with a prayer for the victims of trafficking.On this day, what can be considered the central point of the Assembly will take place, the Presentation and approval of the Document “Identity, Vision, Mission and Structure of the CLAMOR Network”.It will be time to present and approve the Statutes, as well as to elect the Service Teams: Executive Secretary, Coordinators and members of the Work Commissions, Dynamizing Team and Ethics Committee.Before the Eucharist, the video on the Four Verbs will be presented on the CLAMOR Network.

On Thursday 17, the last day of the Assembly, it will revolve around “Our Task”.After a promotional video, Mauricio López, coordinator of the Center for Networks and Pastoral Action of Celam, will present the paper “Challenges of the Latin American Ecclesial Assembly and the Synod on Synodality and its implications for our mission”, which will be followed by a moment group resonance.

The general guidelines for the construction of the 2022-2024 Operational Plan and a first contact for the Work plan of the Commissions will be carried out on this day, something that will be presented in the plenary of the Assembly, where they will be given to know the agreements reached by the various commissions. All this before the Marian celebration and the Eucharist with which the Plenary Assembly of the CLAMOR Network will close.

Source: Celam DNA