by jpic | Jan 17, 2022 | News, Reflection
“Humanity anxiously awaits the revelation of the son of God. She was subjected to failure, not voluntarily, but by the imposition of another; but this humanity has the hope; that she will be freed from the slavery of corruption to obtain the glorious freedom of...
by jpic | Dec 20, 2021 | News, Reflection
“The ability to sit down and listen to others, typical of interpersonal encounters, is paradigmatic of the welcoming attitude shown by those who transcend narcissism and accept others, caring for them and welcoming them into their lives (…)” Fratelli Tutti n. 48. On...
by jpic | Dec 18, 2021 | News, Reflection
“Migration is a phenomenon that has always existed. Climate change, demographics, instability, increasing inequalities and aspirations for a better life, as well as unmet needs in labor markets, tell us that migration will continue to exist” UN,International...
by jpic | Dec 10, 2021 | News, Reflection
On December 10th, 1948 the UN established the commemoration of Human Rights Day, motivated by the Declaration of Human Rights. Its context is the end of the Second World War, marking that humanity would “never again” violate the rights of each human who...
by jpic | Dec 4, 2021 | News, Reflection
December 3rd, we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly. In the context of this global pandemic we are faced with the extremely difficult realities of the humanitarian crisis resulting from the...
by jpic | Nov 11, 2021 | News, Reflection
“Do justice to the orphan and the widow, love the immigrant by providing him with clothes and clothing. Love the immigrant (stranger), because you were an immigrant in Egypt.” Dt 10,18-19 In the chronicals of the people of Israel (the Pentateuch), the...