Justice and Migrants Go Hand in Hand

Justice and Migrants Go Hand in Hand

Searching for paths to social justice is placing oneself within the reality of so many people who cry out for it. Only a new and renewed society will be able to work and offer it as the fruit of its conquest. And it is in our environment and society that...
Honduran hope has a woman’s name

Honduran hope has a woman’s name

“God was with the midwives, so the people grew and became very strong” Ex 1:20 Honduran hope has a woman’s name: Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, the first woman president of Honduras. In a two-party history, in a violent patriarchy and oppressive militarism, the elected...
Christian Unity, Human Solidarity

Christian Unity, Human Solidarity

Christian unity would be the main achievement of showing the world and all cultures that the message of Christ is centered on achieving fullness of life, that is, to live with quality and to be peoples who only seek the full realization of persons together with all...