by jpic | Aug 4, 2021 | Formation, News
Seven training sessions and workshops were offered, each one with different tools for implementation of our emergency plan, with the aim of protecting and accompanying migrant brothers and sisters who arrive at our shelter. On Friday, July 30, Fr. Mateo Luisón, new...
by jpic | Jul 7, 2021 | Formation, News
The context of migration before the Central American exodus caravans The context of migration before the Central American exodus caravans. Human mobility is one of the most visible consequences of the globalized world, the product of a neoliberal model in which the...
by jpic | Apr 5, 2021 | Formation, News
“Migrants are ruining national economies and should not be allowed to work” Politicians and others have often tried to demonize so-called ‘economic’ migrants in order to rally support for xenophobic policies or create a scapegoat during economic downturns. In reality,...
by jpic | Mar 28, 2021 | Formación, Formation, News
“Migrants only come to Europe and other rich countries” As noted, the term ‘migrant’ has been used as a catch-all when describing potentially broad categories of individuals with a range of legal statuses and protection needs. Irrespective of these classifications,...
by jpic | Mar 13, 2021 | Formation, News
“All migrants are the same” The individual stories of migrants are often unheard, and the public remains largely unaware of what drove them to leave their homes. Instead, government officials, the media, and others have at times broadly portrayed foreigners, including...
by jpic | Feb 12, 2021 | Formación, Formation, News
Franciscans launch an advocacy diagnosis examining Central American exodus caravans, Covid-19, and massive human rights violations. Every year, more than 300,000 people attempt to reach the United States from countries in Northern Central America. Driven from their...