by Secretaria | May 15, 2023 | Esperanzas, Esperanzas, News, News, Voluntariado, Voluntariado
“The struggle is permanent. We will never live in a perfect world. But we will continue forward, step by step. Our hope lies not in the arrival, but in the journey. Triumph is not guaranteed. The only triump we can count on is to get up off the ground each time and...
by Secretaria | Apr 19, 2023 | News, News, Reflexión, Reflexión
We are privileged to read the testimony of a man originally from Haiti, who, for economic reasons attempted to emigrate from Brazil with his wife and 6-month-old son. (Part 1) I left Brazil for the US in 2016. My family and I set off with great joy, I went with my...
by Secretaria | Oct 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
On November 3, 2022, a group of more than 20 people will gather at the El Paso/Juarez border for a weekend of witness, reflection, learning, and encounter with our migrant brothers and sisters. The highlight of the experience is sure to be the Border Mass, celebrated...
by Secretaria | Oct 17, 2022 | News
In June of 2022, a solidarity campaign was launched to acquire kits through the Catholic Church in Panama. Faced with this ecclesial call, the parish of “Nuestra Señor de Candelaria” in La Pintada Coclé, made a collection with the peasant communities and...