The recent decisions of the United States to end Title 42 (effective until Thursday, May 11, 2023) and the agreements with other countries in the region are generating greatly impact and violate the guarantee of Human Rights, particularly the right to request International Protection .

These decisions directly affect people and communities in situations of migration, refuge and forced displacement. The the circumstances that cause their displacements have deteriorated, and the national and regional policies that try to manage migration dehumanize the process. 

What is happening around the end of Title 42 is the most recent display of such policies. Based on them and their impacts in the Americas, civil society organizations are sounding the alarm, through the following statement, regarding some foreseeable regional implications of these state and government decisions.

In this way, we call for joint and articulated work with the States towards the recovery of the high standards of the region in terms of Human Rights and International Protection, in order to arrange regional responses focused on an informed, accompanied and protected migration that is focused on people and their rights.

The responses that we propose require continuous updating according to the implementation of migration policies in the region and their impacts.

Read the Statement: