In the gospel, “the Word became flesh” is identified as the Son of God made human, a person who was born and lived in the midst of the poorest of Nazareth. However, this Son of God–as real as we are, so human that he felt hungry, thirsty and had to work to help at home–did not lament his poverty, but organized many so that the Kingdom of God would have a place on earth.

In the gospel, “the Word became flesh” is identified as the Son of God made human, a person who was born and lived in the midst of the poorest of Nazareth. However, this Son of God–as real as we are, so human that he felt hungry, thirsty and had to work to help at home–did not lament his poverty, but organized many so that the Kingdom of God would have a place on earth. In the gospel, “the Word became flesh” is identified as the Son of God made human, a person who was born and lived in the midst of the poorest of Nazareth. However, this Son of God–as real as we are, so human that he felt hungry, thirsty and had to work to help at home–did not lament his poverty, but organized many so that the Kingdom of God would have a place on earth.

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