The Franciscan Network for Migrants is pleased to announce the launch of the Virtual Migrant House. Since the beginning of the year we’ve working on ways that members of the RFM can directly support our migrant brothers and sisters. Our first project is an online chat available on our website.
The objective is to provide immediate virtual accompaniment to people who contact us through the chat, both in emergency situations, such as immediate departure from the country of origin, as well as information on organizations that contribute to the migratory issue, location and contact of houses or hostels in the American continent, etc. The chat is staffed by RFM members who have volunteered to give two hours of their time each week.
In recent days, the project volunteers received virtual training from our colleague Ana Victoria López, coordinator of Network Communications. She demonstrated how to use the application (both on a computer and on a mobile device), with simulation examples like how to enter the application, how to know when a person is online, and the way messages appear and specific actions to have a good management of the platform.
We hope that with these projects we can support migrants. We thank the volunteer members who give their time to promote the initiatives of the RFM.