The members of the Franciscan Network for Migrants send you a greeting of peace and all goodness this Christmas, as we join together thousands of prayers that cry out for every loved one who has been forced to migrate, leaving their home and country.

This Christmas, we unite ourselves to the wishes of each migrant who carries in a  backpack a burden of hope and a hunger for justice. We are also travelers much like that family from Nazareth who fled from Herod with only the light that came from their hearts and trusting that God, the giver of life, accompanied them as they walked. May each house of refuge become a Bethlehem and, like Saint Francis in the city of Greccio, welcome “the Child Jesus” who today passes in every “migrant” who is on the way.

With affection,


The sisters and brothers of the Shelter Homes and
Teams of the Franciscan Network for Migrants

Christmas 2021