There is much discussion about migration outside the country and this course seeks to generate thought and understanding about the starting point of the so-called “caravans” that have emerged since October 2018, given that internal migration is almost invisible.


On August 14, the “Internal Displacement and Pastoral Orientations” course began as a collaborative effort of the Clamor Network of Honduras, the Franciscan Network on Migration in Honduras (RFM-H), the Human Mobility Pastoral Program (PMH). ), the Jesuit Reflection, Research and Communication Team (ERIC), Caritás of Honduras, JPIC-CONFEREH (JPIC- Conference of Religious in Honduras), and the Social Pastoral in Honduras. Among the course participants were people from Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Peru.

This course analyzes the regional reality (Central America and Mexico) of people who have been displaced within their own country and promotes coordinated actions of different ecclesial bodies in favor of these people. The four-week long course meets every Friday between August 14 and September 4. Each meeting consists of a presentation, a testimony and a time to interact. At the end there participants will receive a certificate, endorsed by CEBITEPAL, the Biblical Pastoral Center of Latin America and the Caribbean, based in Bogotá, Colombia.

It should be noted that the theme developed is centered on the evangelizing mission of an outreaching Church and addresses how to welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, refugees and displaced persons. The theme of the first meeting was “Welcome to Understand from the experience of La 72,” directed by Alejandra Conde, Master in Applied Anthropology, currently coordinator of the structural change program at La 72 Migrant and  and Refugee Shelter in Tenosique, Tabasco , Mexico.

Likewise, during the course, they will delve into that reality and how it can be faced from the human and pastoral point of view. There are two main reference texts: First, the Pope’s message for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020, which will take place on September 27, and whose title is: “Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee. To welcome, protect, promote and integrate the displaced internal.” The other document is “Pastoral Orientations on Internally Displaced Persons,” which has been produced by the “Migrants and Refugees” Section of the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development.

Curso Desplazamiento Interno y Orientaciones Pastorales – Primer Encuentro

Equipo Local
Red Franciscana para Migrantes