Team RFM Panama


We are a migrant accompaniment team formed from the Franciscan Network for Migrants initiative. Our team is made up of laity and religious of the Franciscan family who have the desire to serve and accompany migrants in the various situations and needs they present when crossing our borders.


The RFM Team – Panama has members in the capital city and in the City of David, near the border of Panama and Costa Rica.



What do we do

Organize actions of humanitarian assistance, psycho-spiritual accompaniment, ecclesial advocacy, information regarding the migratory path, and solidarity in for migrants in their legal situations. Also, we jointly coordinate actions and participate together with the Human Mobility Pastoral Ministry of the Panamanian Catholic Church.

What we offer

  • Pastoral and spiritual accompaniment.
  • Dissemination of ecclesial and civil activities.
  • Social and ecclesial awareness campaigns.
  • Food assistance, clothing and personal hygiene items.
  • Logistics orientation: maps, locations, reference points, legal information.

How you can join or collaborate with our cause

 Please send donations to:

Panama Capital Region Panama

  • Panama City:
    • San Antonio de Padua Parish, Miraflores, Betania

Chiriquí Region

  • City of David:
    • Our Lady of Los Angeles
    • San Francisco de Asís School
    • Boquete School:
      • Franciscan Center, Alto Boquete

    Accompaniment to migrants passing through the David – Paso Canoas route


    Vivian Cianca
