Casa Franciscana Guaymas A.C
In 1969, missionary Franciscan friars from the Franciscan Province of Santa Barbara in Oakland, California in the United States, founded Casa Franciscana in the city of Guaymas, Sonora, in the neighborhood of Punta Arena, which is one of the poorest in the port of Guaymas. To date, Casa Franciscana continues to function, further expanding its programs for the benefit of our vulnerable brothers and sisters.
The “Mesón de Jesús,” also founded in 1969, distributes 800 free meals on a daily basis. This program is run by lay people who are committed to the mission. Currently Fr. Martin Ibarra de Luna, OFM, is in charge of the mission, and works together with a group of lay people. The director of the program for attention to immigrants, Sandra Martínez Espinoza, is also the director of the external ministry.
What we do
- Receive the migrants who arrive to request support from the mission.
- Attend to basic needs (clothes, food, personal hygiene, medical and legal attention, and referrals to psychological and social attention).
- Assess the conditions of the migrants who come looking for help, and give them opportunities for housing, stability and protection.
- Give them opportunities with different organizations to solve their problems.
What we offer - Casa Franciscana
Franciscan House has different programs
Free dining room where daily meals are served.
Medical dispensary serves more than 50 patients daily.
Social work takes care of vulnerable families.
Youth center to support our young students.
What we offer - Assistance to Migrants
External Ministry: Assistance to our immigrant brothers. Every day we go to meet them at the railway station in Empalme, Sonora, assisting them with food, water, clothing, shoes, blankets, and medicine, and offering them shelter for three days to rest. When we find families with infants, they are given special treatment by minors since an adult can resist more than a minor.
Our assistance to migrants includes:
Nursing care
Bus tickets
Care for immigrant children
personal orientation
Blessing by a religious
How can you partner with us and join our cause?
Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
Fr. Martín Ibarra de Luna, OFM
Telephone: 6221739367
Address: Avenida Serdan No. 899 Colonia Punta Arena 85430, Guaymas.